The Independent Leaders' Debate: 13 June 2020
The Prime Minister faced attacks from all sides over LGBTQ+ issues and visa policy while Gregor_The_Beggar took the dominant position in a heated debate

The Independent held a debate between the leaders of Australia's political parties on 13 June 2020. The debate saw Prime Minister AussieConservative face off against the Leader of the Opposition, NGSpy, as well as the leader of the Country Labor Party, Gregor_The_Beggar.
Unable to attend were the chair of the Australian Democrats, Jayden_Williamson; leader of the Socialist Alternative, elliellia; and General_Rommel, an independent.
The full transcript of the debate is available below.
Lily Hail: Good evening, everyone. My name is Lily Hail, standing in for Anna Hiles. Welcome to the Independent's leadership debate. Joining us this evening, we have Prime Minister Griffo.
Griffo: G'day Australia!
Lily Hail: The Leader of the Opposition, NGSpy.
NGSpy: G'day all! Glad to be here!
Lily Hail: Chair of the Australian Democrats, Jayden_Williamson. Camera shy, I see. Leader of the Country Labor Party, Gregor_The_Beggar.
Gregor: Yeah howdy Australia
Lily Hail: And last but certainly not least, General_Rommel.
Griffo: G’day Gregor, NGspy
NGSpy: G'day Prime Minister and Gregor.
Lily Hail: Let's begin tonight's debate. Each of you may give an opening statement before we move on to the first question.
Gregor: G'day lads, you down for a round after this?
Hello Australia, I appreciate you having me here today. Cause it is you who's put me here today, your consistent support for the Country Labor Party and your belief in an independent and prosperous Australia with a party who's solely dedicated to rural issues for the betterment of the oft-neglected Australians who build this country and make it prosperous and whole. Already, as we sit here, we have a mandate which no one else on this stage can boast. In a by-election everyone expected to be a contest between the Government and Opposition became a firm race between those who have taken rural and regional voices for granted and those who have put their interests first. The people of Mayo and all of those strong farming communities in South Australia decided that they were fed up and voted for a party which places them first. A party which acknowledges them and acknowledges their labor and struggle rather than solely acknowledge the big land barons and those who don't truly represent the average working man. We won not by promoting the ideal of of a rural strongman like the Prime Minister represents which hides the deep insecurities of their ideology but through acknowledging the status of regional Australia, hearing them and offering practical solutions. Rather than fit a urban manifesto concocted in the halls of Canberra, we offered a platform born from Mayo and approved by no one but our new MP. That is a platform grown by grassroots Australia with the policies coming directly from grassroots Australia. I'm here today because we clearly see two sides here. The Liberal National Party stand for what they perceive to be rural issues while their entire strategy hedges on who can win the biggest headlines and virtue signalling outrage. The Social Democratic Party sends a few tweets and an indignant letter and then drops the issue. The Australian Democrats are a mess and who else is really offering themselves up practically? If anything, I think only the Country Labor Party, Rommel and some independents are the only ones giving a serious analysis of Australian issues. The Country Labor Party is therefore offering itself as a side of proven experience. We've demonstrated our commitment to independence through convincing me, a stubborn independent, to lead this new movement alongside our continued practical application of our policy to never have a Canberra office. We've been shown to be the only ones taking practical action to protest tyranny when the Social Democratic Party kowtows and accepts the spin of the Liberal National Party. For a party which actually has the balls to stand up for Australia, there's very few better options on the market for you right now
NGSpy: It is clear that the Liberal National Party just want what is best for corporates and not the people. With their constant revenue and expenditure cuts, and policies that are against the worker like the Ensuring Integrity bill we see in the house, it is clear that the LNP doesn't care about the working class Australian, but on contrast the Social Democratic Party. We care about the msessage that every Australian should be able to fulfill their life to the fullest, with programs that benefit Australians and action on matters that affect those who are often ignored. As the opposition we account the government on their goof-ups to ensure that our electorate's voices are heard. I hope to have a fruitful debate with all the contenders here tonight, and that it will benefit the Australian public watching so that they can learn more about the parties that are here.
Griffo: G’day Australia, As the Prime Minister of Australia, I am immensely proud to be at the helm of such a great country and at the forefront with my strong, United team of qualified Cabinet Ministers. In my time as Prime Minister, Treasurer and in general, voice of the average working class Australian; I have pushed for the issues that matter and will guide us into what I like to call a Golden Era; one focused on fiscal stability, equal opportunity, a job, a future for your children, a beer in your hand and a home to your name. We’re the only party on this stage that can tout economic responsibility and over the remainder of this term and next term, we will continue pushing pragmatic policies to ensure that quality of life goes up and the burden of taxation and social problems goes down. But that’s to discuss further on in the debate. I look forward to pushing a strong case to the Australian people tonight as we talk the hot button issues and I’ll be sure to point out why you should re-elect the Griffo Government to another term!
Lily Hail: Thank you all.
Gregor: I'm sorry can I raise a point there
Lily Hail: Additionally, I've just been informed that General_Rommel is currently evacuating small children from a burning Hungry Jack's, and will be unable to debate tonight. Go ahead, Gregor.
Gregor: Come on people, is that really it? Stump speeches blindly praising the same tired platforms from either side of your house? Come on people, your given the prime opportunities of your lives to stand up in front of Australia and make your issues and stances known and all you give us are stump speeches. Go into the specifics, go into what you've actually done for Australians and talk about your successes. I'm proud that we succeeded in Mayo for instance, I don't think that we'd need to hear another speech from an SDP candidate talking about programs that benefit Australians and hearing those who are ignored when they ignore the voice of regional Australia and we don't need to hear blind praise of your "qualified cabinet ministers" who are taking dumps on Parliamentary desks and co-opting pride month of all things to pass through your own agenda. Someone bring me a god damn bandage cause I just cut myself on how much of a bunch of paper men your acting like.
Lily Hail: Er, strong words. Griffo and NG, a response?
Griffo: I think it’s well known that the Deputy Prime Minister had a bit of indigestion and gastro at the time, you can’t hold that against him. It’s why he’s improved his eating habits.
NGSpy: I would like to passively aggressively remind the Leader of the Country Labor Party that this is the opening statement that should promote a general message and be snappy. One gets into policy on the debate questions. Can the chair of the debate proceed to debates so that theory can be doinked on realll quick?
Lily Hail: Sure thing. First question is to all candidates, and it's fairly simple: what puts your party in the best position to form a government after the next election? Additionally, I'm told that Jayden is being evacuated from the burning Hungry Jack's by Rommel, and may not be able to participate either. Hope they're okay!
Gregor: I'm not promising to be Prime Minister, I'm promising to deliver policy for the oft-neglected regional and rural Australians. That can be achieved in a Liberal National Party Government or a Social Democratic Party Government, I don't care which one it is as long as they're delivering for those who voted for my party. Above all else, we want to strive for independence within Government. Cause quite simply look at what has happened in Mayo, the Country Labor Party came out of left-field and defeated our opposition to be elected in the region. Regional Australia wants a party which can represent them well and act as an actual representative for their region rather than a stooge of the party. They want someone down-to-earth with their communities and want someone who can go with either side as long as they come out on top. Voters have identified with out policies on taking action to save farmers, cutting taxes, financing regional and rural education and healthcare, helping tackle regional poverty which very few indexes or indicators really look at and ensuring that regional Australians get a fair go at life whether it's working a 9-5 job in Wagga Wagga or carving out a living on a farm in Lingiari. That is the Country Labor message.
Griffo: Well I think it’s because we actually care about the electorate. The Liberal National Party is the only party that can actually appeal to every single Australian; the CLP is tied with the regions, the SDP inner cities and minorities, the Greens if they’re still around - environmentalists and so forth. The LNP represents every single Australian in the fact that we have record infrastructure investment, we’re upgrading schools, we’re upgrading hospitals, we’re investing record funding into mental health, we’ve actually brought a drought policy to the table, we’re improving transportation, we’re reducing electricity bills, we’re reducing uncompetitiveness in the economy and we’re slowly loosening our reliance on foreign nations; Australia is once again standing on its own two feet.
Gregor: I take offense that your trying to claim that only the SDP represents minorities but I will accept that we are indeed, tied with regional Australia which makes up how many seats in the House of Representatives? Quite a few, including many seats which you had hoped to win Prime Minister.
NGSpy: The best position to form a government after the next election is always a majority in the house and a majority in the senate! In reality though, the SDP are willing to work with parties that align similarly to ideologies like the Socialist Alternatives and also in regards to some of the policies of the Australian Democrats. It is important that to enforce policy that is for the best interests of the people, that one must be able to work with other parties in order to achieve a better overall policy range that is more beneficial for the people of Australia. I can suggest for the farming sector that we will subsidize fertilisers, pest and weed control and methods to improve soil quality, but another party might have a valid point against how one implements it in order to account for certain mistakes that might be there. Accountability is most important in a government, which is why the SDP would be willing to work with other parties that are similar in ideology in order to ensure better policy decisions. The SDP encourage a message that says to the people, 'we know your concerns and are willing to take ideas to make those concerns eliminated', and that 'we want to help you improve your quality of life'. That is most important to the Social Democratic Party. We care about the people themselves rather than just legal entities that may gain the system by influencing policy. Whether you are a country person who need farming to be more beneficial for profit or who needs more water to not be wasted, or an inner-city student who need to get on with life, the Social Democratic Party want to hear your issues and want to hear solutions, and figure out the best one for all of the Australian people.
Lily Hail: Next I'd like to ask each of you a question specifically. To Griffo, following your promotion to Leader of the Liberal National Party and Prime Minister, we saw the party fall in both the Two Party Preferred and first preferences. Do you think you can make this gap up before the election?
Griffo: Absolutely, people are coming to the realisation that the SDP don’t actually care about fighting for the people of Australia, they don’t care about how the coronavirus is impacting people financially and they don’t actually have an understanding of what they’re talking about half the time. We’ve seen them delay COVID stimulus funding so they can have a spending spree, we’ve seen them delay and deny nearly $30 billion from being returned to the people of Australia in the form of tax cuts, we’ve seen them deny reducing school tuition fees by at least $5000 per child and we’ve seen them deny nearly $30 billion in crucial infrastructure spending. The Australian people are coming to this realisation and as they do, more and more people will turn to the LNP as a party which truly represents them.
Lily Hail: To NGSpy, in Preferred Prime Minister polling, you are trailing both Prime Minister Griffo as well as My13InchDuck. Are you concerned about your ability to appeal to Australians?
NGSpy: In regards to Preferred Prime Minister polling, it is ultimately a prediction on what happens on the day. The people are more influenced by the campaign on a campaign trail rather than the going ons of parliament as it has been consistently shown with government after government, so I feel it would be unfair to answer the question for myself, and I shall wait until the next General Election. It is important to note that I myself wrote the Coronavirus Economic Response Package and included prices that were beneficial to the worker and recommended by unions that protected the worker, and that the prime minister severely downsized the payments from $750 to just $200 in one instant, which is why the stimulus package has been delayed. It shows that the SDP are ready to fight for the people of Australia and promote a better quality of life instead of prancing around with numbers in a global economic crisis. Long story short, the PPM is an indicator of how they are doing in certain conditions. Campaigns are when candidates can express what they wish to do more than in parliament and what they are against, and that is what the voter pays attention to.
Lily Hail: To Gregor, recently your party had SnecBoi elected as the Member for Mayo in the recent by-election. This could be attributed, particularly with the narrow margin of victory, to a preference deal reached with the Liberal-National Party. Do you see yourselves working with them next term over the SDP?
Gregor: I don't think the question should be on who we're working with, I think it's a question on how we'll make sure that the people of Mayo didn't waste their vote and to make sure we're representing them. Whichever side offers our voters and the voters for the Country Labor Party the best deal will be the side which we will back and support. However, we will stay independent and stay connected to our regional areas and electorates throughout and consult with them about who they'd prefer to see us with. Cause questions about which side of the political punch-up we're gonna side with ultimately harms our democracy, the real questions is what we're gonna do while in office, how we will serve Australia and what we will do to achieve our goals.
Griffo: Well when we talk about the Response Package, you need to take into account that we’re reopening Australia successfully and thus the payments are no longer necessary as more Australians come back into the job market. Also, tax cuts as a form of stimulus as well as the state of despair you left our country in in terms of finances needs to be accounted for NGSpy!
Lily Hail: Strong words. Quick response, NG, or shall we continue?
NGSpy: It will be quick response. Tax cuts aren't direct forms of stimulus: they're indirect and have major consequences for public programs. Australians would be better off in the current state where they are starting up work if the stimulus wasn't slash slash slashed by the LNP at all! Shame on the Prime Minister for degrading the status of citizens of Australia to pawns who go to work!
Gregor: I'm sorry but just cause a job market is recovering doesn't mean that there is no need for a direct stimulus into the economy.
NGSpy: Hear hear to Gregor! I feel as if the chair should continue on...
Griffo: Well we’re the party of sensible economic management. Why should the government of a country whose economy remains strong, where employment, whilst falling, remains nonetheless relatively high compared to other countries, spend more on fiscal situations than nations which are in a far worse position?
Gregor: In fact, I'd like this time here to talk about a real issue effecting Australians right now if you wouldn't mind.
Lily Hail: Moving on then. To all participants, what do you think is the most important policy that you've brought forward in Parliament this term?
Gregor: Madam Chair, there is an issue which I think needs to be addressed here on behalf of the community in Robertson which has asked me about it.
Lily Hail: We'll come back to it, Gregor.
Gregor: Very well.
Griffo: You didn’t do anything about the coronavirus when you were in government at all and as soon as it came, you went on a blind panic throwing money like a toddler throws their toys!
NGSpy: Just love to point out that we did quote on quote 'nothing' even though we set up restrictions to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus and cancelled foreign flights. Hope that Lachlan O'Brien is fact checking this on twitter.
Griffo: Restrictions were done under Minister of Health BloodyChrome.
Gregor: Well considering we just entered Parliament, very little. Was The Independent expecting those without Parliamentary representation or those who have recently achieved it to show up with a question like that. Move away from the big parties and move onto what we can achieve for Australians. For an answer of sorts though, I'm proud to have been the only party on this stage to stand up to tyranny the moment a Prime Minister thinks they can just frankenstein the results of a plebiscite to suit their needs better.
NGSpy: We've already talked about the Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Package, so I wish to turn attention to a bill I have co-written with the independent member for Nicholls. It shall be introduced to the senate soon, and hopefully next cycle. It will create an agency to encourage more General Practitioner Accessibility across Australia to eventually get rid of the Rural GP shortage in Australia that the member for Nicholls showstealer1829 has pointed out many times during his tenure as MP.
Gregor: Aye, the Member for Nicholls clearly took the initiative there coming from a regional electorate!
NGSpy: To inform Gregor, I actually came up with idea and got assistance from the Member for Nicholls because he clearly knew what he was talking about and I wanted approval from the member who moves community commissions to counter the Rural GP problem. It will greatly benefit many of my electorate in Pearce as well!
Gregor: Good to see that then, keep it up into the future then.
NGSpy: Hear hear!
Gregor: Maybe we'll end up backing each other up on regional education? There's a few fire service bills I wanted to get up there as well.
NGSpy: Send 'em through! I'll have a look and see what I can do!
Griffo: The most important policy the government has brought to the table is our tax cuts agenda; we have an opposition who has no idea how economics works: at all. The tax cuts policy is simple; we have brought: A 5% corporate tax cut, in real terms it is 2.5%, reversing the NGSpy tax hikes at the start of the coronavirus. As shown through the extensive research, the corporate tax hikes will encourage investment, increase the GDP and see a growth in employment opportunities and wages. We have seen a three year, income tax cut plan which will simplify the codes and will give hard earnt wages back to the Australian people, to use as they please especially in a time of crisis, making the cost of living just that little bit easier. We are removing the GST from electricity as it is a necessary item and as a result will reduce the cost of goods throughout this country as labour costs from electricity supply is removed and will see a 9.1% reduction in electricity bills. Finally the fourth part of the Tax Cut plan was the reduction and eventual removal of the Luxury Car Tax, a tax which was imposed to preserve our industry - one which is no longer existent and is now simply a burden on competitiveness in the car market. Now if we want to talk about Rural GPs, I need to point out the hypocrisy of the Opposition Leader who voted against $80 million of funding dedicated to the training, recruitment, retention and teaching of GPs in regional Australia.
Lily Hail: Another individual question for each of you, then. To Griffo, your government is no stranger to controversy, having come under fire for removing a journalist from the LNP Press Room and using a motion to recognise Pride Month to express support for lowering taxes. Do you feel Australians might see these tactics as 'underhanded'?
Griffo: I don’t see these tactics as underhanded, the journalist from the LNP Press Room was warned on several occasions for his disorderly behaviour and has received the correct punitive measures. The Pride Month motion is a sensible one which notes our pride in all Australians especially in the adversity of the COVID-19 Crisis.
Lily Hail: 'Pride Month' is fairly universally recognised as an LGBTQ+ pride and awareness month, though. Is it not inappropriate to unilaterally repurpose that?
NGSpy: I concur with the Chair.
Griffo: Well I’ve spoken on this and I don’t believe anyone is entitled to an entire month; it’s not their property. I’d also like to point out how they’re the only group in society which are entitled to a month. There is no Asian Month, Jewish Month, Muslim month or Amputee Month. All Australians should be treated equitably and equally. If we’re going to celebrate pride as a government, we should be proud of ALL Australians as I will not be pushing a divisive agenda.
Lily Hail: To NGSpy, the Social Democratic Party have been accused of 'virtue signalling', particularly over LGBTQ+ issues, at the expense of focusing on issues such as workers' rights. Is this impression justified, and why?
Gregor: I'm sorry Mr Prime Minister but when my and my husband sat on our couch and saw you try and take away the only thing which could make us feel accepted and united in Australia as a community, that is when you showed that you don't care about the generally accepted status of pride as being a time to celebrate a marginalized community. We already have a day to take pride in being Australian, that is EVERY DAY I LIVE AND BREATHE AS AN AUSTRALIAN. The month is specifically reserved for us to take pride when barely a decade ago we faced open persecution and for much of human history we were strung up in the town square. If you want to represent all Australians, you must take a stance to recognize these communities and why we fight this motion.
NGSpy: The impression is certainly not justified. We have legislated policies and are actively creating programs that benefit LGBTQ+ people and curb their issues, and we want to focus our energies on the workers of Australia as well. We have instituted policy and reform that has been for the worker, like Senator Slater's Paid Leave to financially compensate those who are impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and have actively gone against policy against the worker like the Ensuring Integrity bill. Virtue-signalling is more of a speciality of the Liberal National Party I would find! Releasing motions that say 'National Pride Month is better than LGBTQ+ Pride Month even though it has no history to it at all' is clearly virtue-signalling.
Lily Hail: Finally, to Gregor. Your party is relatively untested, and despite an excellent showing in the Mayo by-election, the CLP is polling below all other left-wing parties, such as the Socialist Alternative. Are you worried about being seen as untested? What will draw voters to you at the next general election?
Griffo: If you think that having a month to celebrate over is the only thing that makes you accepted in Australia, then I highly suggest you’re quite ignorant as homophobia is not prevalent in Australia as it once was.
Gregor: I'll answer your question in a second Madam Chair but I quite frankly couldn't stomach the rotten decay of a corpse from the 80s coming up to haunt us in these halls today. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen Does the discrimination of Aboriginals not occur because Terra Nullius was revoked from law?
NGSpy: I feel it's important that society be able to express themselves as a person and that efforts to do so shouldn't be quashed. Homophobia, Transphobia and Bigotry still bloody happen through means of micro-aggression and some people deliberately shame people. I also feel it's important that members can be able to submit the bills to the house without interfering BS that is just a virtue-signal instrument.
Gregor: If your gonna stay silent about an issue effecting so many Ausralians because you don't think its prevelant, this is the exact attitude you and so many parties take towards regional and rural Australia. Thinking that stuff like disinvestment and stagnation in regional Australia doesn't occur like it used to.
Griffo: I’m not denying that discrimination occurs, I’m simply pointing out that it’s ludicrous to state that the gay community is not accepted in Australia. We have one of, if not the largest Mardi Gras parades in Australia, we have protections within the workplace preventing Australians from being discriminated against when it comes to employment and workplace relations. I think you need to wake back up to reality because it’s not the 1960’s anymore. The gay community is widely accepted in Australia, with equal marital rights and so forth.
NGSpy: Also, some statistics that are against the claim that homophobia 'ain't a problem', Prime Minister. 61% of young people experience homophobic abuse and 18% experience physical abuse for being attracted to a different person. It's still a problem and still needs to be curbed mate. Don't negate an issue because the numbers are coming down.
Gregor: By this logic Domestic Abuse doesn't become a problem because we now have laws against it and take action to support victims. Now, Madam Chair, the Country Labor Party has been tested. We've been tested on the anthem when we stood up and took a stand against the notion of tyranny which the Government quickly tried to spin away from when they successfuly snagged the headline. We've been tested in Mayo where the electorate has given us confidence. We've been tested to work for independence and have been tested to show a commitment to solely the electorate and the people of regional and rural Australia. That is something which connects with voters and lets them know that while there may be one or two bills coming from the Opposition or Government on this topic that the Country Labor Party will consistently deliver.
Griffo: Can you tell me exactly how having a motion to celebrate an Americanised month, will end homophobia in this country? It won’t because we need to face facts and actually legislate further against it rather than sitting on our hands and passing non-legally binding motions.
Lily Hail: I'm sorry, everyone, but we've got to move on.
Gregor: It's not gonna end homophobia, your trying to strawman our arguments to be something it isn't because quite frankly you can't justify your own stances and viewpoints.
NGSpy: Me and Gregor aren't suggesting that it will end it, we're suggesting that by presenting it you're putting out the fire with gasoline by pleading ignorance to the problem at hand. Ignorance is the greatest tool to those who seek to convince someone of oppression, as is seen in the book 1984. Ignorance is strength to those who wish it. Let's hear what Lily has to say!
Lily Hail: Before we get to closing statements, Gregor, I believe you had a topic you wanted to bring up?
Gregor: I did.
Griffo: NGSpy, Gregor; I highly doubt the gays are being torched, lynched and hung up outside of stores these days. Get out of the past.
Gregor: Ok straight guy, whatever you say happens to us must be true. Thank you very much for trying to lecture me. Now the question-
NGSpy: I highly doubt that you are educated on the topic to make a comment on the real issues that LGBTQ+ people face. You would just appropriate it so that the LNP tax cuts are beneficial for them just like you did with women!
Griffo: Okay, so celebrating pride month is going to end homophobia in this country. Good to hear. I love how they rant and scream about the LGBT community but never come up with solutions.
Lily Hail: Gentlemen, please.
Gregor: Good to hear that the Prime Minister has to reduce their oppositions arguments to only the noises they want to hear. Now-
NGSpy: Good to hear that the prime minister is still ignorant as hell and loves to just hear himself.
Gregor: For both of you, as you know I am deeply involved in the migrant community and have been heavily involved especially in regional migrant communities and have met those who require on migrants to make their living and survive. Ignoring the rhetoric of some sides which try and turn Australians against our fellow man, let's consider an issue which has oft been neglected in this time. We have people on work visas who's livelihoods in Australia depended on that work stranded with the future of their visa in jeporady. Many of them have become dependent on that work visa and many of them can't find a new form of employment because either their former employer isn't hiring or they've shut down. Due to some of the tenants of the visa agreement, many of them can't find work elsewhere. We've got Australians who are literally dying and starving because of this and I've seen nothing from either of you on this topic. When will we see some action?
Griffo: Well when you provide a solution, I’ll be glad to take it.
NGSpy: It is important that people be allowed to work for longer as it benefits our economy, and that this country be an open and fair country which benefits those who wantt to work here. This is why we opposed the Visa Caps that the ex-Attorney-General proposed and is why we oppose the draconian and seppo policies that the LNP government want to introduce in order to cause these issues that Gregor talks about. I would be willing to work with the CLP as well on this problem in order to make sure that those who are dying and starving aren't with proper action that takes into consideration their work situation.
Gregor: You're the Government in waiting, why didn't you pick up on this sooner?
Griffo: Well Gregor, this is such a minor issue; I’ve never actually heard of this occurring. Now that this is brought to my attention, I will be glad to look into it further and bring reforms to the table which will provide assistance to hardworking Australian migrants who integrate themselves with our lifestyle and willingly accept the Australian way of life and our values. However we must be responsible here and take Australians into account first and foremost. We have a housing crisis in this country, we have a youth unemployment crisis in this country and we have an infrastructure crisis in this country. We are happy to have people immigrate to Australia, however it needs to be at a sensible, sustainable rate in accordance with development of infrastructure and services so that the current strain is lifted. I have always advocated for a sensible quote and rate of immigration to come in as we must not recklessly open up the borders to the detriment of services and infrastructure in this country.
NGSpy: Because the bloody bill queue is clogged by stupid motions that the LNP wants to virtue-signal. I will get on top of it now though, and also endorse any effort to help in this regard, as Pearce will also be affected by this.
Gregor: Ok I'm sorry just hold up for a second both of you.
NGSpy: Sure thing.
Gregor: Did the Prime Minister honestly just say that?
NGSpy: Yes. He said that it was a minor issue.
Gregor: We've got Australians, Australians, starving. Barely making rent.
NGSpy: I think I heard that correctly.
Gregor: Barely making bills. Barely making enough for their fucking family, and the Prime Minister of this country CHOOSES TO CALL IT A MINOR ISSUE?
NGSpy: BLOODY ROOT! At least I am accepting that it is an issue that should be fixed ASAP and am open to any bills to help out! Bloody hell!
Gregor: I'm sorry but that honestly pisses me the fuck off, Prime Minister, when you find out that you've got people starving in cold houses in your own fucking country then you don't bring up how you want sensible immigration policies.
Griffo: Well I don’t see how this directly relates to immigration at all.
NGSpy: Visa. Literally one word says it all. Visa. Immigration.
Gregor: It is directly an immigration issue, their visas restrict their work. Restricts their employment opportunities.
Gregor: Does the Prime Minister not even know how visas in their own country work? Come on man you're supposed to represent our country. Learn how visas work, learn how regional Australia works and work out how being the head of government works.
NGSpy: If your government wants to make 'sensible reform' to Visas and Citizenship, at least know what the hell you are dealing with mate! C'mon mate!
Griffo: Well unfortunately, this is not a broad issue in this country and is often in the minority of cases.
Gregor: NGSpy, this is an area you should have caught up long ago, we actually spoke to your own officials on this issue a while ago and we didn't get a response. You barely know what it is, how can you make a judgement on how serious of a matter this is. I'm sorry Prime Minister but if you honestly think that because something is in the minority of cases (fun fact, it isn't) then you've got another thing coming. You've got Australians barely feeding their families and there's something we can do about it. Your not doing anything about it, your trying to turn the topic. Take a stand man you're the bloody Prime Minister.
NGSpy: Gregor, well bloody hell I'll get some legislation to negate the problem and I apologise deeply for all those who needed it! Meet me outside Gregor so we can discuss this problem and get some solutions going.
Griffo: If it comes down to employment opportunities, then I can see where reform is needed. However I am going off of your previous proposals to completely open up the nation to a further lot of immigrants coming in, which I don’t see at all how this will resolve the problem.
Lily Hail: I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're running out of time.
Griffo: In fact it will worsen the problem in many cases.
Gregor: I'm not proposing that now, I'm proposing that we stop letting Australians starve in leaky homes when we can prevent it.
Lily Hail: Each of you are welcome to make a closing statement at this time.
Gregor: When you should have known about it and prevented it.
NGSpy: At least acknowledge that one screwed up ya know?
Griffo: Well that completely contradicts with the issue at hand here, which is exactly my point. Why make the problem worse by opening up the gates as you’ve proposed when the system is currently broken? It is far better to restrict immigration temporarily as we fix immigration related issues currently before moving in and opening up increased migration opportunities again. Not only are you contradicting yourself in terms of policy, but disadvantaged migrants are entitled to Centrelink support when it is essential as a result of this.
Gregor: That is not what I'm talking about. The Prime Minister, corporate simp of the fucking century, can stop lecturing me about my own policies and trying to deflect when you've got Australians barely making their bills because of restrictions we have imposed on them.
Griffo: Well you’ve proposed to lines of policy which contradict with each other. Can we get some consistency here?
Gregor: Your proposed a line of lies which tries to flood the debate with your own concoctions, Australia can see right through it.
Griffo: Unfortunately as much as you think they may be lies, they’re not. And unlike you, I’m consistent when it comes to resolving the issues.
Gregor: My closing statement is simple, Madam Chair, it's clear throughout this debate that the Social Democratic Party continue their streak of ignoring the real issues and have failed in so many accounts while the Liberal National Party have proven themselves dead heartless in the affairs of LGBTQ+ Australians and in the affairs of migrant Australians. The Country Labor Party is the party which is going up, the party which is making them both afraid. A party which can actually represent the interests of regional and rural Australia and which is actively doing so. Mayo has placed its confidence in the Country Labor Party and you can too! The fact only three parties showed up to this debate is quite telling in a way, quite telling that only the two major parties came to have a political fist fight while the others have refused to face the national spotlight. Meanwhile, in the CLP, we are proud of our achievements and our fight. We will be looking forward to the legislation we implement ahead, I hope that you will see that and see the CLP is the party offering itself to you to hold the bastards in Canberra accountable and hold your views first.
Griffo: Am I not correct that you’ve taken to elections in the past to allow an increased automatic residency to those from pacific nations which will further worsen the problem?
Lily Hail: Prime Minister, we need to move on to closing statements.
NGSpy: It is clear that the Liberal National Party doesn't give a bundle of crap to those who need the most assistance in Australia, from focusing on nativist and nationalist policies, to re-purposing Pride Month as an opportunity for LNP to block up legislation and promote their own agenda. It is absolutely abhorrent, disgusting, and weak of them to do so. The Liberal National Party just wish to bow down and suck on their corporate masters, which only wants profit, not the benefit of the people. The Social Democratic Party is willing to sort out issues that affect people that are in the minority and are neglected, while the Liberal National Party only care about the economy instead of a combination of the people and the economy. The Social Democratic Party, as seen tonight, are willing to work with other parties in order to solve issues that face Australians and promote more accountability. This was an interesting debate to the one last night, and I was glad to see the CLP show their face.
Gregor: Yes, because I think that we shouldn't try and hide from our Pacific neighbours. I think the main thing right now is that you realized your being called out over letting Australians starve and your trying as hard as you can to push the subject away from the failings of your own arguments.
Griffo: Australia, the Griffo Government is one which will ensure that all Australians are treated equally and are given the same opportunities in education, energy, employment, health and defence. You have seen how the left act when it comes to problems in this country; they talk about issues, then scream up and down about them when you wrap your head about what on earth they’re talking about. And then once that’s all done and dusted, they haven’t proposed a single solution to the problem at all which will actively solve the problem. We know NGSpy is a floppy wet piece of cabbage and cannot crunch when it comes to the numbers. We know the SDP don’t care about the Australian people when they want to see them go further into poverty in a time of financial crisis, by keeping stimulus in limbo and voting down essential investment into this country. We need people with pragmatic solutions, we need people with sensible policies and we need people who can represent all Australians, some who can fight for the many and not the few! Only the Liberal-National Party can see economic prosperity in this nation and it is your obligation to re-elect the Griffo Government at the next election!
Lily Hail: Thank you all for attending tonight's debate.
Gregor: These strawpeople representing the major parties act as bad as those on Home and Away!
Lily Hail: A recording will be released on the Independent's website shortly. Thanks for tuning in. I'm Lily Hail, thank you and goodnight.