A sit down with the new MP for Melbourne

After the Melbourne By-election, occurring on the 30th of May, 2020 we saw the electorate go to NeatSaucer, an SDP newcomer. I sat down with NeatSaucer, on the Sunday following polling day. The full transcript is below:

Anna Hiles:

Good afternoon NeatSaucer, first of congratulations on your election victory last night! Now, what do you have to say to the other candidates from the Melbourne By-election?


To begin with, thank you Anna for the warm wishes. As far as my other candidates are concerned, I wish them good luck, they have been playing a crucial role throughout this election and I hope to see such talented candidates once again at any election soon to come.


Excellent, what can constituents in Melbourne expect from you for the remainder of this term?


Melbournians can expect a Member of Parliament, who will represent them and their values. Debating Legislation and voting pragmatically at all legislation, and as I promised in my campaign, implement the pledges I have given to Melbourne, and ensure we all will rise together.


On the topic of debating, should other Members of Parliament be scared of you while you're speaking?


Oh no, nothing of that sorts. As a community leader and today as a Member of Parliament, I have always debated pragmatically, placing the positives and negatives of a Bill and showing possible amendments. Some of my speeches may be fierceful, but there's nothing to be feared.


That's good to hear.
What was it like campaigning, especially with COVID-19 going around?


Campaigning, with COVID-19 is definitely an unique experience. Experimenting new methods of campaigning and at the same time, ensuring the message we want to communicate went across, was something that we needed to try out a lot. I think the physical interaction portion wasn't there but certainly it was a fun experience.


Sounds interesting. What do you have to say to aspiring politicians, whether in school or an adult in the workforce, in your electorate?


My message is simple, come and join politics. It is service that you are doing. I too, am a young adult but definitely, someone who stood up to enter politics. So, do not hesitate is my belief. Join in, at your own pace, maybe start with your union, then progress upward, you will enjoy your journey.


Before you decided to join the Social Democratic Party, and run in the Melbourne by-election, what were you doing?


I was a young university student, who just finished graduating. Politics was in me at all time, from the time I was a student to the time I was in college, I did study Political Sciences and Law, and ended up formally joining Social Democrats as a university graduate, and Western Australia came to me first and Melbourne by-election was given to me, and today I am the MP for Melbourne.


Sounds eventful! Before we get to the final question, what has been your favourite piece of legislation through the house before you came in, and why was it?


Makes me think for a moment, there have been many legislation which I debated and I liked it a lot, to be fair with you. The Australia Anthem Bill could be the most exciting one for me, due to the fact that it was implementing the results of a democratic plebiscite, and also the fact that it legislates on a highly cultural issue and something which defines our country on the international stage.


Awesome! Now to the final question. If given the opportunity, will you seek to run in Melbourne at the General Election in July?


A question with a definite answer : YES. If I get in to contest for Melbourne next General Election, I definitely will, to represent my Melburnians and their values.


Look forward to it!  
Well, thank you for your time this afternoon, and I will talk with you another time!


Sure Anna, my pleasure!