Health Minister on the Attack. Finance Minister Derides PfG. First Minister Back-pedals. Is this Government still tenable only a few weeks in?

Health Minister on the Attack. Finance Minister Derides PfG. First Minister Back-pedals. Is this Government still tenable only a few weeks in?

In what has already become a tumultuous start to the incoming Welsh Government, with the Finance and Economy Minister stating publicly that they had not read the Programme for Government, the cracks continue to grow with the Health Minister going on the attack in a recent debate, calling former First Minister Zakian3000 "a political has-been", attacking their tenure as authoritarian.

For a Government that does not command a majority in the Siambr, and will likely have to work with the Nationalist Plaid to pass any legislation that Abolish or the Libertarians find unfavourable. With divisions already shown in the debate on the Health Minister's amendment to the Smoking with Minors in Vehicles Ban, which would seek to ban all individuals from smoking within their private vehicles, with Llafur and Plaid Cymru unable to have cohesive party lines, and the Libertarians, Abolish and Volt all coming out against it. Some political pundits are stating that this is a demonstration of what having the Sheep Raving Loony Party in Government will continue to lead to, further diviseness in the political arena.

This comes hand in hand with the tulmultous leadership election in Plaid Cymru, which saw the hard left nationalist BalaEyri pitted against the more softened stance of the Welsh political stalwart miraewae. This contest saw proposals like de-anglicisation on the table, which drew the ire of the increasingly popular Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party almost immediately, and even failed to see support from the Prime Minister. While it is clear that BalaEyri will not be the next leader of the Party, the future of Welsh nationalism remains unclear as we we continue to see a resurgence of anti-devolution and small government politics. Volt Europa has largely remained uncontroversial in its time so far, despite siding with Llafur and the Loonies in forming a Government on a supply and confidence basis. Though many members of Volt may be regretting their choice after the activities of the past week.

Embattled Finance Minister Inadorable has been the first cab off the rank for Ministers Questions, after her public disagreements with the flagship policies that were found within the Programme for Government. The First Minister stated "Taxes won't rise" in the First Minister's debate, and when questioned about whether this was a possibility stated "watch me". This flagrant disregard for truth and transparency by the First Minister, who as per the Finance Minister endorsed her statements that taxes would in fact need to be raised to fund the Budget, shows callous disrespect for the people of Wales.

It is clear that this embattled Government cannot continue to govern effectively, and in every step they take, they further the cause against Llafur and squander their past record of good governance. Unless there are major and immediate changes, the people of Wales deserve better.