Controversy and Turmoil: Behind The Purple Curtain
ThreeCommasClub writes for the Independent.

A political firebrand, maverick, mastermind—whatever you may call Friedmanite19 there is no denying the impact he has had on British politics. From his long-standing tenure as LPUK leader to the heights of power in Westminster as Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor. Mirroring his own success as been the journey of the LPUK, the party he founded. As the world of politics becomes more turbulent it seems the LPUK’s popularity is soaring as well rendering a verdict on the often controversial man himself.
When polling figures were released last week a earthquake was felt in CCHQ as Labour reached historic levels of support to overtake the Tories as the top party. That was the story that dominated headlines but to the keen observer there is a larger story unfolding. Just as Labour is exceeding all expectations so is the LPUK.
It seems after the VONC that toppled the previous government many voters felt betrayed by the Tories. Many switched their support to Labour but for more center and right-wing voters they choose to back the LPUK over a increasingly radical Labour. Reports from party officials reveal the party has hit record levels of membership with some local offices seeing hundreds of new supporters.
A large segment of voters who supported the previous Burple government and favored more LPUK centered policies were surprised when the Conservatives suddenly turned to the Liberal Democrats to form a center government. The phrase “Not the same Tories” has became common in pubs and dinner tables across the country. These voters have turned to the LPUK to hold up sensible free market policies, keep taxes low and promote responsible measures in foreign policy.
When questioned on the reasons behind his party's recent rise in popularity, leader Friedmanite19 attributed it to "Many Tory voters are coming over to us having seen the direction they have taken recently, people are starting to recognize that's its only the LPUK they can trust fight for center-right principles." In line with what many analysts say has been been the cost of a flip-flopping Tory party. "Another factor behind our rise in polls is our MP's hard work and their legislative output," he explained. Furthermore when asked what what is in store for his party, especially for the next election he was cautious. Answering "It's important that you don't count chickens before they hatch, we have to remember this is just a poll, we need to work hard to translate it into reality."
Of course, one will ask why does it matter. If Labour is polling ahead of both the Tories and the LPUK the purple surge is inconsequential. I would argue it is becoming more important than ever. The shocking public failure of the Labour-DRF-TPM or Reform coalition shows the instability of left wing parties in the status quo. If they cannot reach a agreement to secure government after the Tories have been VONCed how will they ever do anything?
Simply put, the LPUK thanks to their dramatic surge will play a significant role in coalition talks and will be the most proven stable partner to trust in government. The Conservatives have already emphasized the need to reconcile with the LPUK and with the Liberal Democrats polling under 15 percent, it just might be that the LPUK are the only path to power.
ThreeCommasClub is the LPUK MP for Manchester North. The views in this article are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Independent.